DJ Hell

sobota 04.05

start 23:00
end 08:00
price 50 PLN before 00:00 | 60 PLN after 00:00 | 30 PLN after 5:00

Hell has worked as a DJ since 1978. Starting in 1983, he began working as a DJ at Club Libella in Kirchweidach, Germany, near his hometown of Altenmarkt an der Alz. The story of his career would certainly make a good book. We don’t know what to expect ourselves.

main stage

23:30 – 02:30 Eye G

02:30 – 05:00 DJ Hell

05:00 – 08:00 ULTRA


03:00 – 02:30 Piotr Ho

02:30 – 06:00 Awill

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